Tuesday, October 5, 2010

All kinds of celebrating

I had my birthday while I was on my big Texas adventure with Momma and the kids. I was so blessed to be surrounded by so many people that love me! If my precious husband had to be away, at least I would celebrate, and celebrate, AND CELEBRATE! Thanks everybody for a super birthday celebration! It feels so good to be so loved!
PS, next year I hit the big 30. It's downhill from here!
Here are my photos:
Possum Kingdom with the Blays/Tippens
This celebration was a total surprise!!!

My perfect husband had a cookie bouquet waiting for me at my Aunt's house...

Happy Birthday from the mister!

Mam-maw and Pampa, Aunt Sally and the boys had a cake for me too! Nana and Pappy had cake number 3 waiting for me!
I made a wish...and Savannah Kay did too!

I had a great birthday! Twenty nine feels really fine!

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